2025 Publications

Seating & Wheeled Mobility: A Clinical Resource Guide, 2nd Ed. Routledge., Oxon, OX and New York, NY. Co-editor: Jean Minkel, PT, ATP.


2024 Publications

November/December 2024: Assistive Technology Devices and Services in Occupational Therapy Practice,  AOTA Position Statement, The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Vol. 78, Suppl. 1. With Silverman, M., Lenker, J., Hamlin, E. and Smith, R.

August 2024: Dynamic Seating: providing movement for clinical benefit – a pediatric case study. In Directions, Vol. 4. (pg. 28-33).


2022 Publications

October 2022: Seating and Wheeled Mobility Recommendations: Be Specific! Clinical Editorial. In Directions, Vol. 5. (pg. 44-45).

August 2022: Using Dynamic Seating to Reduce Client Injury and Equipment Damage. Rehab Case Study. In Directions, Vol. 4. (pg. 40-43).


August 2022: Seeking a Balance to Provide Both Client-Centered Care and Efficient Service Delivery. Clinical Perspective. In Directions, Vol. 4. With Jean Minkel. (pg. 32-37).


August 2022: Jumping to Product Before Defining Parameters. Clinical Editorial. In Directions, Vol. 4. (pg. 38-39).

May 2022: Pediatric Power Wheelchairs: a comparison of available options. In Focus: Pediatric Power & Early Intervention, a special issue of NRRTS Directions magazine. (pg. 22-25).


May 2022: A Parent’s Perspective on Pediatric Power Mobility. In Focus: Pediatric Power & Early Intervention, a special issue of NRRTS Directions magazine. (pg. 34-37).

April 2022: Dynamic Seating: providing movement for clinical benefit. PMG Journal. Posture & Mobility Group.

February 2022: Don't Skip the Mat Assessment! Clinical Editorial Column. In Directions, Vol. 1. (pg. 42-43).


2021 Publications

December 2021: Recline: clinical indicators. Medical Focus Column. In Directions, Vol. 6. (pg. 18).

December 2021: Complex Rehab Innovation: Lauren's Power Wheelchair Gets Smart. Directions, Vol. 6. (pg. 38 - 42).

October 2021: Clinical Changes as a Result of Dynamic Seating in a Young Adult with Cerebral Palsy. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. Online.

October 2021: Tilt in Space: clinical indicators. Medical Focus Column. In Directions, Vol. 5. (pg. 46).

September 2021: The RESNA Position on the Application of Dynamic Seating. In Assistive Technology Journal, online.

May 2021: Spina Bifida. Medical Focus Column. In Directions, Vol 3. (pg. 30).

March 2021: Prematurity. Medical Focus Column. In Directions, Vol. 2. (pg. 32).

Feb 2021: Seizures. Medical Focus Column. In Directions, Vol. 1. (pg. 22-23).


2020 Publications

Dec 2020: RESNA Position on the Application of Dynamic Seating. resna.org. With Crane, Diamond, Eason, Pedersen, and Peek.

Nov 2020: Medical Devices and Wheelchair Seating and Mobility Considerations. Medical Focus Column. In Directions. (pg. 20-21).

Sept 2020: Range of Motion Definition and Assessment. Medical Focus Column. In Directions. (pg. 22-23).

June 2020: Vibration Impact on Manual Wheelchair Users. Medical Focus Column. In Directions. (pg. 18).

Apr 2020: Updated Pressure Injury Definitions and Staging. In Directions. (pg. 20-21).

Feb 2020: Wheelchair and Seating Selection. In Dirette, D. & Gutman, S. (Eds.), Occupational Therapy for Physical  Dysfunction, eighth edition. Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia, PA.

Feb 2020: Arthritis in Adults with Cerebral Palsy. In Directions. (pg. 20).


For a full listing of past publications, please select the document below:

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